Welcome From The HTH Mesa Parents Association
Through community building and fundraising, the HTHM Parents Association (PA) supports the school in a variety of ways. As HTHM grows, the PA will continue to build our culture and our outreach to support the needs and goals of HTHM.
As a parent or guardian of an enrolled HTHM student, you are automatically a member of the HTHM PA and are invited to have an active role in supporting our families, students, staff and the HTHM community. There are no dues to join the PA. The PA relies on parent participation and volunteerism to be successful. Please join us for a meeting, an (online) event or contact the PA through the contact form below and/or email us at hthmpa@gmail.com.
Our Goals
Our goals are to support the values of High Tech High Mesa in the following ways:
Encourage member participation in school activities.
Facilitate communication between the school and students and their families.
Provide fundraising support.
This Week at High Tech High Mesa
Monday, June 21: POL and IPOLs
Tuesday, June22: POL and IPOLs
Wednesday, June 23: Last day of school – early release.
Stay Connected
HTH Mesa Parents Association Update
HTH Mesa Parents Association Updates Our next meeting will be Wednesday, November 6th at[…]
HTH Robotics Info Session
The Holy Cows are back to meeting in-person and would love to see some new[…]
College Information
College Information Calling all High Tech High Mesa Seniors and Juniors! Exploring College Options is a[…]
HTHM Thunder Sports
Ready to join a team? Be sure to get your sports physical and complete all[…]
We hope you all enjoy your break. For you planners out there, the first day of 2021/2022 school year is Monday, August 30!
Support HTH Mesa
Download the Benefit App
Download the Benefit App and start earning money for Mesa each time you shop. New digital retailers are added frequently!
Register your Ralphs Card
To register your account: log in to Ralphs.com, go to My Account, then Community Rewards. Search for “High Tech High Mesa Parent Association.”
Contact us
The HTHM PA is looking forward to working together and building our community during these unique times. We look forward to seeing you soon! In the meantime, feel free to reach out with any questions or suggestions by emailing us at: hthmpa@gmail.com.or by using this form below.
Contact form will be displayed here. To activate it you have to set the “contact form shortcode” parameter in Customizer.
HTH Mesa Community Connection
During these challenging times, the Parents Association hopes to help our community by spreading the word about our HTHM family owned/run businesses.