Author: marie

There Is Still Time To Order School Pictures

Call Lifetouch at 800-736-4753 to get an access code to order pictures.

January Fitness Challenge: THUNDER-STRONG!

Let’s get moving!  Just like the air we breathe, this challenge is FREE!!  Thunder-Strong is designed to encourage and motivate our community to be more active in 2021! Please fill out the form to participate.  This challenge is for the whole family!  We encourage friends and neighbors to get in on the fun:)! 


Register for the NEW YEAR, NEW YOU THUNDER STRONG VIRTUAL Race Virtual Race Dates: January 29, 30, 31 Register by January 21. Please fill out the form to participate. Suggested $15 donation to raise money for HTHMesa Athletics. You can choose your distance! You can run, walk, jog, bike or even hike this event. What’s important …

Youth Truth Survey

There is still time to have your voice heard! Please take the survey to help HTH Mesa provide the best possible education for your student.

Covid Care Packages

Covid Care Packages The students of Lexi’s advisory are providing Covid Care packages for the houseless but they need your help with supplies! Donations are really appreciated (suggestions are listed below but all relevant donations are welcome). The advisory will be collecting donations Jan 19 to Jan 22 during your student’s spring bridge. Please contact …

INTERNSHIP application time!

HTH Mesa is a growing community, and while it’s the juniors who do an internship, we need everyone to help build internship opportunities so that our Mesa students have many options for years to come. Thank you for your support! This video gives a great overview of the program. Need more info? Visit the internship website. 

January Fitness Challenge: THUNDER-STRONG!

January Fitness Challenge: THUNDER-STRONG! Let’s get moving!  What’s your new year fitness goal?  Maybe it’s just getting outside and moving for 15-30 minutes. 100 sit-ups a day for 30 days?  More upper body strength?  100 pushups a day/week? Mastering yoga stretches? Run a mile, beat your mile time, or walk 10,000 steps daily? Don’t belong …

Project NOW Virtual Summit Exhibition

The Project NOW summit is an online summit designed and facilitated by HTH Mesa ninth graders about racial injustice, and the intention is for us to build conscious knowledge about this issue, empathize with those impacted by the issue, and call others to action.  To RSVP for the summit, please complete this form.  We will send the …

Team Lemonaide Short Film Competition

Join the 10th-grade students from HTHM’s Team Lemonaide from the comfort of your couch (NO ZOOM REQUIRED) as we Livestream via Youtube the Lemonaide Short Film Competition on Friday, December 11th from 4-7pm (tomorrow). This semester in Theatre and Humanities students explored film as a means for entertainment and commentary. In production teams of eight, students wrote and produced three short …

“Buy It Now” Items Pick Up

We’ll set up to distribute items from the “Buy It Now” sale on Tuesday from 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. and Wednesday noon – 1:00 p.m. in the big parking lot at school. those of you who purchased gift cards only, those have been mailed. Please contact Sharon at with any questions. Thank you to …